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Despre noi / About us

Compania Blauteil Wanderer SRL are ca obiect principal de activitate importul si distributia de piese de schimb si accesorii pentru autoturisme, camioane si utilaje.

Firma noastra este distribuitor exclusiv pentru Romania al producatorului GenOparts Handelsges Gmbh Germany.

Gama de produse GenOparts include oferta exceptionala ca raport calitate/pret pentru rulmenti auto, precum si o mare varietate de piese after-market pentru autoturisme VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, Opel.



The main activity of the company Blauteil Wanderer SRL is the import and distribution of spare parts and accessories for cars, trucks and machinery.

Our company is the exclusive distributor for Romania of the producer GenOparts Handelsges Gmbh Germany.

The GenOparts range of products includes the exceptional quality/price rate offer for car bearings, as well as a great variety of after-market spare parts for cars like VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, Opel.